
class connection

Objects of this type represent a connection between a single client and a server. A connection object can be used to generate request objects; one in the case of HTTP/1.0 or multiple in the case of HTTP/1.1.

The connection class has no public constructor (besides the move constructor), and can only be created by calling server::serve().


Explicit move constructor as one can’t be generated for this class


Destructor for a connection, which closes it; any requests or responses created on this connection can no longer be read from or written to

const std::string &client_address() const

The IP address of the connected client

unsigned int client_port() const

The port of the connected client

int timeout() const

Get the current timeout of this connection, initially inherited from the server the connection is created from

int timeout(int)

Set the timeout of this connection independently of the server; the argument is a number of seconds, 0, or -1