Separate Utilities

These are some useful utilities included with SHOW, but in their own header files so they’re optional.

Base-64 Encoding

These are utilities for handling base64-encoded strings, very commonly used for transporting binary data in web applications. They are included in show/base64.hpp.

string base64_encode(const std::string &o, const char *chars = base64_chars_standard)

Base64-encode a string o using the character set chars, which must point to a char array of length 64.

std::string base64_decode(const std::string &o, const char *chars = base64_chars_standard)

Decode a base64-encoded string o using the character set chars, which must point to a char array of length 64. Throws a base64_decode_error if the input is not encoded against chars or has incorrect padding.

class base64_decode_error : exception

Thrown by base64_decode() when the input is not valid base64.


base64_encode() shouldn’t throw an exception, as any string can be converted to base-64.

char *base64_chars_standard

The standard set of base64 characters for use with base64_encode() and base64_decode()

char *base64_chars_urlsafe

The URL_safe set of base64 characters for use with base64_encode() and base64_decode(), making the following replacements:

  • +-
  • /_