
class request : public std::streambuf

Represents a single request sent by a client. Inherits from std::streambuf, so it can be used as-is or with a std::istream.

See also

enum content_length_flag

A utility type for unknown_content_length() with the values:

Value Evaluates to
NO false
YES true
MAYBE true
const std::string &client_address() const

The IP address of the client that sent the request

const unsigned int client_port() const

The port of the client that sent the request

bool eof() const

Returns whether or not the request, acting as a std::streambuf, has reached the end of the request contents. Always returns false if the content length is unknown.


Constructs a new request on a connection. Blocks until a connection is sent, the connection timeout is reached, or the client disconnects. May also throw request_parse_error if the data sent by the client cannot be understood as an HTTP request.


Explicit move constructor as one can’t be generated for this class

void flush()

Flushes the request contents from the buffer, putting it in a state where the next request can be extracted. It is only safe to call this function if unknown_content_length() evaluates to false.

http_protocol protocol() const

The HTTP protocol used by the request. If NONE, it’s usually safe to assume HTTP/1.0. If UNKNOWN, typically either a 400 Bad Request should be returned, just assume HTTP/1.0 to be permissive, or try to interpret something from protocol_string().

const std::string &protocol_string() const

The raw protocol string sent in the request, useful if protocol() is UNKNOWN

const std::string &method() const

The request method as a capitalized ASCII string. While the HTTP protocol technically does not restrict the available methods, typically this will be one of the following:

GET Common methods
OPTIONS Useful for APIs
PATCH Relatively uncommon methods

See also

const std::vector<std::string> &path() const

The request path separated into its elements, each of which has been URL- or percent-decoded. For example:



    "hello world",
const query_args_type &query_args() const

The request query arguments. SHOW is very permissive in how it parses query arguments:

Query string Interpreted as
?foo=1&bar=2 { { "foo", { "1" } }, { "bar", { "2" } } }
?foo=bar=baz { { "foo", { "baz" } }, { "bar", { "baz" } } }
?foo=&bar=baz { { "foo", { "" } }, { "bar", { "baz" } } }
?foo&bar=1&bar=2 { { "foo", { "" } }, { "bar", { "1", "2" } } }
const headers_type &headers() const

The request headers

content_length_flag unknown_content_length() const

Whether the content length of the request could be interpreted

This member may be a bit confusing because it is “un-known” rather than “know”. It’s convenient for content_length_flag to evaluate to a boolean value, but there are two possible reasons the content length would be unknown. Either

  1. the request did not send a Content-Length header, or
  2. the value supplied is not an integer or multiple Content-Length headers were sent.

In many languages (including C++), 0 is false and any other value is true; so the boolean value needs to be false for a known content length and true for anything else.

unsigned long long content_length() const

The number of bytes in the request content; only holds a meaningful value if unknown_content_length() is YES/true