
class server

The server class serves as the basis for writing an HTTP application with SHOW. Creating a server object allows the application to handle HTTP requests on a single IP/port combination.

server(const std::string &address, unsigned int port, int timeout = -1)

Constructs a new server to serve on the given IP address and port. The IP address will typically be localhost/ The port should be some random higher-level port chosen for the application.

The timeout is the maximum number of seconds serve() will wait for an incoming connection before throwing connection_timeout. A value of 0 means that serve() will return immediately if there are no connections waiting to be served; -1 means serve() will wait forever (until the program is interrupted).


Destructor for a server; any existing connections made from this server will continue to function

connection serve()

Either returns the next connection waiting to be served or throws connection_timeout.

const std::string &address() const

Get the address this server is servering on

unsigned int port() const

Get the port this server is servering on

int timeout() const

Get the current timeout of this server

int timeout(int)

Set the timeout of this server to a number of seconds, 0, or -1